How to get to Scarvataing
Directions to Aith
Lerwick/Aith - When arriving by Ferry - takes approx 25 minutes by car—21 miles.
From Northlink Ferry Terminal, turn right. Take A970 to Tingwall then turn left on A971 until you reach Bixter. Turn right on B9071 up the Bixter brae and carry straight on to Aith. Drive through Aith past the shop and school for approx 1 mile.
Sumburgh/Aith - When arriving by aeroplane - takes approx 1 hour by car—41 miles.
From Sumburgh follow the main road to Lerwick A970 then continue to Tingwall. Turn left on A971 until you reach Bixter. Turn right on B9071 up the Bixter brae and carry straight on to Aith. Drive through Aith past the shop and school for approx 1 mile.
Travel in Shetland
The following link on Visit Scotland's webpage is very useful when planning to visit Papa Stour, Foula, Yell, Unst etc. You will find bus/ferry/Loganair timetables and booking details.
Local Travel Links
Northlink Ferries –
Bolts Car Hire -
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